We are an angel stage investor for individuals or small groups, so rarely invest more than $30,000 in cash. Our target is to provide funding through a first release or prototype. Funding comes in the multiple forms of resources such as funds, staffing and business infrastructure. We work with you to determine the correct mix of investment resources to launch your idea. Our goal is to help you get started by building something that is tangible and will enable you to go after the larger sources of funding.
Mostly software and internet services. This is where we feel we can add value by bring people together and helping you get started quickly.
We are in Stamford, CT and the initial resources we provide you are in Stamford, CT.
No, we expect you to be within driving distance of Stamford, CT. If your willing to relocate (at your expense) to our area for a short time we will consider your proposal. We are only considering US based ventures. We will not assist in getting someone a visas in order to work with us.
We would like you to spend some time with us to get you setup and started. This is usually between 1 to 3 months to make sure your off to a good start. After that we get together for 1 to 2 days per month.
If you or your group has more than one idea, please submit what you feel is your best effort. We may not be able to review any additional submissions.
Yes, always a good sign that you’ve put some thought in to what you are doing. Though, if you've already incorporated your business it can be more costly for us to work with you.
We won’t sign an NDA? At such an early stage it is not practical for us to do so. It would be bad business for us to bring you in and take your idea, the word would get out quickly that we did not treat you fairly.
Please refer to our website section on Funding.
Not at the moment.